Basic Voice Acting Workshop!
Hi There!
Only 2 weeks to go to our next Voiceworx! Seminar. It's happening on September 8, 2007. The good news is, we have 7 more slots left (4 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon, REGULAR Classes) for you to take part in the most intensive and result-oriented voiceacting workshop ever. It has never been this exciting! This is your chance to take hold of your career in Voiceacting or maybe just improve how people understand you by the way you talk. Remember the voice always makes the best impression!
To register, simply drop by at the studio at the 3rd floor Left Wing Lightblue Bldg. 1745 Dian St. Palanan Makati City. For directions on how to get there, you can check our online map here.
If the link doesn’t work, copy this to your browser:
Or call 729-7274 or text 0919-5731714 for directions.
Business Unusual
CreatiVoices is working with ARIVA! Events Management for the first HR Philippines Convention 2007, this event features HR Managers and personnel talking about the newest trend and development in finding the right people for that dream job. To be held on August 29, 2007 at the CSB Hotel International Conference Center, Dela Salle College of Saint Benilde. For more information about this you can log on to: www.ariva.com.ph. The website greeting is our very own Brian Ligsay (who also did pinoycards.co.uk – with Ayeen Pineda, voty.org, voicetemplates.com and others). The Ariva team was definitely surprised with the swift, professional and accurate production of this commercial which took no more than 5 hours to accomplish! The 30s commercial is still being aired over 99.5 HIT FM, 91.5 ENERGY FM and shown over UNTV 37 (UHF). Word is out – please watch our friends from ARIVA! tomorrow over University TV Skycable 21, between 6-9am, they will be interviewed by Daniel Razon of “Good Morning Kuya” LIVE! Goodluck to you guys!
Other upcoming events sponsored by CreatiVoices is the GO-NEGOSYO series of events, and recently CreatiVoices has been spotted over FUDGE Magazine August Edition (Bamboo Cover), where the dynamic duo talks about dubbing and voice performance, trends and developments. Something that will definitely help you learn more about the world of Voice Overs. The magazine also features legendary dubber – Junie Gamboa and old time dubbing director – Mely Tagasa, known by many as “Ms. Tapia” of Iskul Bukul.
Finally Brian and Choy will be hosting the PMA – GMM, this Wednesday. The Philippine Marketing Association is the largest, oldest and the most credible business organization in the Philippines. It boasts more than 2000 members and has been around for more than 50 years in the country. Ofcourse, CreatiVoices is proud to be a corporate member of this association.
The Other Side
CreatiVoices did an unprecedented feat with the graduation of our June 23 batch, last August 18. Held at RedBox, Greenbelt 3 Makati City. The guys were singing, performing and it was the re-launching of the Society of Young Voice Artist of the Philippines You can learn more about the group and see their wacky and graduation pictures by visiting the site at www.syvap.multiply.com
Happy birthday to one our beloved instructors – Danny Mandia, who celebrated a lovely birthday bash, last Friday at his beloved home in Sikatuna, QC. It was attended by close friends, voice actors and directors, artists and producers from the TV scene. Again, congratulations and Happy Birthday, Tito Dan!
Finally, watch out for the VOICEWORX! Commercial on HERO TV Channel 44 (on Sky and Home cable). Thanks to JP, Carlo, and Sir Ruel for making this happen. If you’re a HEROTV club member, be sure to register because discounts and surprises awaits you! With that we’re definitely sure, this batch will be filled with registrants in no time at all! So hurry up before slots run out!
Voiceover Tip of the Week
Keep it Cotton! Whenever performing behind the microphone in a “dead environment” (studio booth), make sure you keep away from noisy clothing, as this might ruin a great take. Voice actors always move and needs to react to act. Therefore wearing noisy fabric, such as nylon or wool, might affect the quality of the recording. Also, refrain from using dangling accessories and too much “BLING”. They always produce unwanted noise that you don’t want interfering with your performance. Remember microphones in these places, can pick up even the tiniest bubbles in your saliva, so check your outfit first – keep it clean and simple, and we don’t suggest you perform naked either!
Most of all keep your outfit smart and comfortable, true you are getting paid by the way you speak and not by the way you dress. But producers are always on the lookout for healthy outputs and great appearance!
Stay tuned for more Updates on the voiceover world with CyberVoice!
May the Voice be with you,
VoiceWorx! Team
Voice Over Solutions Expert and Services
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