Pocholo’s has over 50 seminars which, depending on your organization’s needs, can be tailor-fit to be anywhere from a one-hour motivational talk to a 3-day seminar-workshop. Browse our seminar topics below and contact us for inquiries and reservations.
Creative Storytelling
Storytelling has been part of human existence since the beginning of time. It is how we pass on tradition, understand history and learn values. Whether you are a grade school teacher wanting to better engage students in class, or a public speaker looking to captivate and hook your audience, this training is a must for you. Learn the different elements of an effective storytelling – voice, gestures, asking questions, pausing, and many more. Your audience will not only remember what you shared, but will remember it enough to tell it to others too!
Gamify your Class
Gamification – application of game-playing elements to another type of activity, such as classroom teaching. Games make progress visible and real-time, allow more than one chance to deliver, and challenges the students to strategize. In this training, you will learn how to gamify your classroom lessons and activities, and you’ll be on your way to becoming an effective 21st century educator.
Mind your Business: Training your Mind
Materials about the infamous Law of Attraction has been around for over a decade now. A huge misconception about this law is that people think you just need to think about what you want and it will appear in your life. What people need to understand is that we don’t attract what we WANT, but rather, what we ARE. This training focuses on understanding how the mind works, and how to harness its power to realize one’s dreams and visions in various areas of his/her life.
Neuroscience 101: Understanding the Human Brain
The word “neuroscience” used to be reserved for the medical profession, but in this day and age, it is almost a necessity to learn how the human mind works. Understanding the brain is beneficial for teachers, marketers, HR professionals, managers, and other professions in the people business. This training provides an easy, kindergarten approach to neuroscience to help the average person learn about how the human mind best learns, remembers and applies the information it absorbs.
Change your Life, Change your Mind
Our thoughts are a very powerful force in the universe. Most people tend to focus on negative things and wonder why negativity keeps showing up in their lives. This training aims to shift one’s thought patterns, feelings and even use of words to ones that he/she desires to manifest in life.
Overcoming Public Speaking Roadblocks
Public speaking is the number one fear in the world, and death is just next to it! Many people are afraid to mess up when they speak in front of an audience. But there’s nothing to fear if you know the strategies that will make you a great public speaker in as little as 24 hours. Learn how to set goals for your presentations, master your stories and create compelling visuals to supplement your speech.
Ready, Set, Motivate! How to be a Motivational Speaker
Everyone has a story. Everyone has learned lessons in life that are worth sharing and learning from. Learn how to tell your story in a way that will inspire, motivate and empower other people. This training will teach you strategies on storytelling, stage performance and even how to market yourself as a motivational speaker.
Foolproof Public Speaking
The only reason people fear public speaking is because of the lack of knowledge on how to do it. With the right tools, techniques and message, you can become an effective public speaker… even if you hate public speaking!
Funny Bones: Adding Humor to your Public Speaking
It’s not what you say, it’s HOW you say it. Cliché as it may seem, it is true… and no more than truer in public speaking. In this training, you will learn about one very important ingredient to your talks: HUMOR. Humor is a great way to capture attention and make your message stick. From finding the “funny” to proper timing, this training will teach you all those strategies for your public speaking success.
Million-Dollar Speaking
Learn the secrets of highly-paid and highly sought-after speakers. What’s their unique selling proposition? How can you come up with yours? How do they prepare their presentations? Do they still get stage fright? Find out the answers to these questions and many more, and you’ll be soaring high in the public speaking arena.
Lights, Camera, Speak! How to Become a Voice Actor
Pocholo “The VoiceMaster” Gonzales shares his insights, tips and words of inspiration on the career that started it all for him – voice acting. Learn about the numerous opportunities for voice artists, and voice exercises to improve your tone, vocal range and intonation. Discover the VoiceMaster’s “6 critical elements of character voices,” and use it to create hundreds of different characters with the use of your voice. Last but not the least, learn marketing and branding techniques that will move you from being an aspiring voice artist to a professional one.
Cast Away: Voice Training to Land More Voice Acting Jobs
What’s the difference between a voice actor and a superior voice actor? Voice actors go in front of the mic and get in character… while superior voice actors get in front of the mic and BECOME the character. This subtle difference is brought about by voice techniques and practices that make creating voices more natural, effective and memorable, and this training will show you how.
Mic and Me: How to Set Up your own Recording Studio
Whether you plan to rent an office or set up your recording studio at home, this training is for you. Learn best practices on microphone placement and room acoustics.
The VO Vibe: Master the Art of Voiceovers
Doing voiceovers is not only about having a good speaking voice. Rather, it’s about incorporating various vocal elements in order to produce a recording that is natural, powerful and memorable. In this training, learn how to read voiceover copy and do exercises with several sample voiceover scripts.
Home-Based Voice Acting Business
Learn how to set up your home recording studio and kickstart a freelance voice acting career. This training covers topics from soundproofing to audio editing software that you can use, as well as different techniques to develop the quality of your voice.
Script-ease: How to Properly Read Voice Acting Scripts
This training teaches you how to properly interpret copy and record your voiceovers. From marking the script to properly speaking to the microphone, this easy 7-step process will guide you to becoming a voiceover success.
The Power of Voice
Understanding how voice comes out of your body will help you produce it more effectively. In this training, you will explore the science of voice production – the organs and the bodily processes involved. You will also go through exercises to warm up the body and the voice for vocally challenging activities such as teaching, singing and public speaking. Get up-close and personal with your voice and enhance your vocal power.
Confidently Speaking: Using your Voice to Speak with Confidence
Our voice is not just a gift, it’s a CHOICE. In this training, you will be taught how to assess your voice and develop it to the way you want it to sound. Understand the concept of vocal image and learn how to improve yours so that your message will be well received. Whether it’s in daily conversations or public speaking, you can become the best communicator you could ever be.
Vocal Workout
Learn various vocal exercises that will not only warm up your voice, but will also increase your vocal power, vocal range, tone, etc. This is an entire training filled with exercises upon exercises for improving the overall quality of your voice.
Nice to Meet You: First Impression Workshop
First job interview, first client meeting, first sales presentation… what do you do and how would you behave? This training gives you tips on how to create a good lasting first impression. Learn the best ways to establish eye contact, shake hands, and speak so that people remember you in a positive way.
Goal Setting Simplified
Goals are an important part of success. Goals are the barometer that tells you whether or not you “made it”. Learn easy, simple steps on how to set your short-term, mid-term and long-term goals and program your life for the success you’ve always wanted.
Everyday Energizers
Have you ever paid attention to how you feel when you go to sleep, and when you wake up in the morning? Your energy level at the start of the day pretty much determines how the rest of the day is going to be like. Let us teach you the secrets to improving and increasing your personal energy so that you can wake up to each morning feeling energized, ready to face each brand new day.
Victim or Volunteer: Be an Agent of Positive Change
Many people suffer from the “victim syndrome” – the belief that life happens TO them. In this training, you will learn how to shift that paradigm by developing an understanding of your beliefs, behaviors, choices and strengths, and how you can use them to divert your focus on the positive side of things.
Make IT Happen: How to Achieve your Goals
In order for you to achieve something, you must first know what it is. This training teaches you first and foremost how to discover your purpose in life, and then set goals that would become your milestones as you work towards realizing your dreams.
Crossroads: Discovering your Purpose in Life
It is never too late (or too early) to find out what your purpose in life is. This training will help you make an inventory of yourself – talents, skills, personality, experiences, and many more – to help you identify the different factors that have shaped you as a person. You will then go through various exercises to discover your potential “calling” in life, and to take the first steps to get there.
The Conscious Leader: Lead with Purpose
Whether you’re leading an organization, a company or a volunteer group, it is important to understand that you cannot have a blanket approach for your team. Each member of your organization have different skills, talents, ideas and motivations for contributing to the overall performance of your team. In this training, you will learn how to bring out the best in each team member by uncovering their “authentic power” and empowering them to make a difference.
Voice of the Leader
Leaders should, above anything else, be great communicators. They need to be able to convey their message, conviction and passion when they speak. Learn how you can enhance your vocal power, and how to use the different elements of the voice to rise up to the challenge of being the leader that people would want to follow.
Coaching 101
Leadership is not all about collective leading. More often than not, it entails mentoring and coaching each member of the team. Develop an understanding of what coaching is and what it’s not, and learn the principles and strategies to be an effective coach and mentor. There are also tips and tricks to self-motivation for the coach!
Becoming a Better Leader: 22 Rules to Live By
Your organization grows in proportion to your growth as a leader. This training provides practical lessons that will make you a better leader. Learn how to collaborate with your team, how to motivate them and get them to be aligned to the team’s purpose in the organization.
Dress for Success: How to Land your Dream Job
This training prepares you for the career you’ve been dreaming of. Discover your interests and skills to find out which path you are suited to take. Learn how to write the perfect cover letter and resume, and tips to ace your job interview. Last but not the least, be equipped with tools and techniques to excel at the job you worked hard to prepare for.
WWW: Website Creation for Creative Freelancers
In this day and age, your business is non-existent if you’re not found online. If you’re a freelance artist, musician, writer, magician, events host or anything else in between, you can learn how to leverage the power of the internet to catapult your freelancing career. Be found by potential clients virtually anywhere in the world by having an online real estate – your own website. This training gives you an easy, step-by-step guide on how to set up your website… from finding the best web address for your services to deciding which platform to build your website on.
Personal Brand Toolkit: 4 Steps to Building Brand YOU
Whether you’re a student preparing to step out into the proverbial “real world,” an employee who aims to get a promotion, or an entrepreneur who wants to build or grow your business, this training is for you. The Personal Branding Toolkit is packed with online and offline strategies and techniques to help you establish top-of-mind awareness when it comes to what you have to offer. Not only will you learn how to POSITION yourself in your particular category, you will also learn how to MAINTAIN your reputation for as long as you desire to keep it.
Marketing to Millennials: Unleash their Buying Power
Millennials are people born between early 1980’s and 2000’s, which makes them the young people of the society ages 15-30. This generation make up more than 20% of a household’s buying decision. Plus, 70% of the millennial population are likely to publish an online review of their experience of products and services, especially in social media! In this training, you will learn the what’s, where’s and how’s of marketing to this powerful generation.
By the Book: Media Exposure for Authors
Having your book on bookstore shelves does not guarantee success. Just like any other product, people need to know your book exists, especially those who don’t go to the bookstore! Learn how to gain exponential exposure through the use of broadcast media. How would you contact media outfits to get featured on their shows? What will you say during the interview that will pique people’s interest without giving away the entire message? What can you say and cannot say on radio or TV? Learn all of that in this comprehensive training.
Branded: Branding Lessons for You and Your Business
Whether it’s business or personal, the fundamentals of branding is pretty much the same – be the first person/product/service that comes to people’s minds. Learn the step-by-step process of identifying and building your brand – from identifying your target audience down to creating a memorable brand name and promise.
Get your Dream Clients
Dream clients – these are known in the marketing world as the “critical mass” – the influencers, the ones that bring maximum profit with minimal effort. Learn the 3-step process for finding and getting these dream clients to sign up for your business.
Upsize your Branding
Learn a total of 65 branding strategies that will explode your profit in almost half your marketing time. Learn how to get free press, do high-converting promotions and leverage word-of-mouth marketing to lead your business to exponential growth.
Anatomy of Branding
Branding is not just about coming up with a catchy slogan, or a memorable brand name. Branding is an entire PACKAGE. This means that every aspect of your product or service should be congruent to what your brand stands for – and yes, that includes the packaging, the color, and even your telemarketers’ opening spiel!
21st Century Branding
The 21st century consumers are inundated with millions of marketing messages everywhere they go. With the technological advancements of today, it is easy to be distracted. Learn how your business can cut through the noise and clutter by applying branding strategies that captures today’s generation.
The Social Consumer: New Rules of Marketing
The prevalence of social media has radically changed the way people make buying decisions. Many consumers would read reviews and solicit feedback for products and services they intend to purchase… and their friends and followers are more than happy to give it to them. That said, it is required now more than ever for businesses to actively engage and interact with their prospects and customers in social media. Learn the do’s and don’ts for communicating in social media to keep a positive reputation for your brand.
Be a Life Mentor: How to Start your own Coaching Business
If you love inspiring and helping other people, you’d be happy to know that you could make a career out of doing so! This training teaches you everything you need to know about starting your own business as a life coach. Be a student and teacher of life at the same time, and help other people to do the same. You’ll also learn the business side of things – from identifying your niche as a life coach, to setting your goals for your coaching business.
Gamify your Business
Let’s admit, games are addicting. People love games because of it has rewards, provide real-time feedback, and is just plain fun. You can learn to apply these same principles to your business to win your target market’s attention amidst all the other marketing messages they see and hear everyday. Gamifying your business also makes easier for your to engage your customers and keep them coming back for more.
Business Idea Checklist
If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, this training is for you. Discover a comprehensive yet easy-to-follow checklist that will make any business easy to start.
E-Rules: 21 Golden Rules to Business Success
Whether your business is startup or has been around for more than a decade… whether you are a small, medium or large enterprise… these 21 rules are a must-follow in your organization. Break them at your own risk!
Entrepreneurial Roadmap
Regardless of the type or size of business, every enterprise starts with an idea and deploys a business plan. This training goes back to the basics of entrepreneurship and walks us through the roadmap that every business should follow. A great guide for startups and an awesome refresher for long-time businesses.
Passive Income 101
Through the World Wide Web, it is now easier than ever to create passive income streams and achieve time and money freedom. Learn the step-by-step process to creating your own revenue streams on the internet. From identifying your niche to developing your blog or website to being found on search engines, this training will show you how to succeed in setting up your own online business.
Creating a “Sound” Environment
Did you know that the SOUND around us also contribute to our physical health, mental and emotional health… or the lack of it? In this training, we explore the rather unexplored principle of “soundscaping” – how to consciously create an environment that only produces healthy sound. Learn the factors that contribute to sound stress in the classroom, at home or in the office, and use healthy sounds like music to create a “sound environment.”
Stop, Listen and Listen: Listening Skills for Effective Communication
We all know that communication is a 2-way street, that it is about listening just as much as it is about speaking. The problem with today’s society is that we seem to listen with the intent to respond instead of understand. This training focuses on listening, an often overlooked process in the communication world. Learn how listening filters and how our minds create meaning through sound. This training also teaches you the difference between INNER and OUTER listening.
Becoming a Master of Sound
Not many people know, but sound affects our health and well-being. This training covers 3 fundamental areas of how sound affects us – listening, speaking and ambient noise. Learn the importance of each area and how we can proactively create an environment where they are all working in harmony to improve our lives.
Techie Me: How to Use Modern Technology to your Advantage
The internet is a very powerful tool that you can use for personal and professional development. In this training, you will learn about the different types of websites and applications that you can use in a positive way – social media, cloud storage, libraries for ebooks and audiobooks, and many more. You will also learn different “codes” for more effective searches in Google!
Interview 101: Create the Best Media Interviews
In the world of broadcast media, an interview is where the meat of a story is created. This training teaches you the ins and outs of great media interviews – from choosing your topic, research, preparing guide questions, conducting the interview, and many more.