Last Call!
Only 7 days to go... and the good news is we still have an opening!
Voiceworx! – Basic Voice Acting and Dubbing Workshop highlights dubbing for Anime and Telenovela.
Only 5 seats left!
For those who wish to improve their communication skills and jumpstart their careers in the industry, this is the easiest way to do so. Remember its January 5, 2008, and time is running out. If you have been looking for methods to improve the way people hear you, or you would like to develop the speaking techniques announcers, narrators, deejays, stage and television actors, including what hosts and performers do on stage, then signing up for the workshop is the first easy step. The bigger step is by deciding when to start working on your talent – and that’s this Saturday.
Don’t forget that this is the first US-based VO training workshop, localized to hone your skills in voice acting – so you can start creating characters, get the attention of your audience, improve self-confidence, carry out and bring life to conversations, and most of all achieve that dream of performing behind the mic with no worries and hesitations.
Who will be next Voiceover? It might be you in the last 5 seats available (STILL UNRESERVED). Only 10 students per class that cover intensive vocal workouts, including recording time, one on one coaching, script familiarization, and dubbing exercises. Those who finish the workshop will take home trade information on the industry’s best-kept secrets, including the know-how to produce and create demos and how to go for auditions. You’ll have assignments, activities and class projects that would last 8 entire weeks! That’s 8 sessions once a week for only P8,000. You can do a down payment which is half of the seminar fee and pay the balance on the 4th session of the program.
This January 5, 2008, and every Saturday thereof may be the start of your bright future. But remember, nobody becomes a voice actor overnight – it takes patience, practice and perseverance to succeed. And we can take you there! Register for the last 5 slots today.
Get the seat by paying bank to bank. Please make the reservation fee or full payment to the following account:
Acct Name: CreatiVoices Productions
Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands ( BPI)
Branch: Buendia-Dian
Acct. No. : 3716-8607-58
After which kindly fax us a bank statement with your contact details (name, address, mobile, email) at 729-7274 depositing the said amount. Also please indicate your choice of class schedule, R1 or R2. You can also email us a copy of the scanned statement at
If you wish to pay a downpayment of 50% this is also possible.
Call 729-7274 to learn how to get to our studio or click on the link provided for the online map available
Online Map
If the link doesn’t work, copy and paste this to your browser:
If you have already registered! Then Congratulations! We’ll see you this Saturday, 10:00am for the 1st batch and 2:00pm for the 2nd batch.
Let’s Be Great this 2008!
Brian and Choy
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