The VoiceMaster to Rock this Year’s Y4IT - The Best Filipino Motivational and Inspirational Speaker | The VoiceMaster of The Philippines

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

The VoiceMaster to Rock this Year’s Y4IT

Pocholo “The VoiceMaster” Gonzales will be one of the speakers to rock the house during the upcoming Youth for Information Technology, known as Y4IT. The said event, which is considered as the biggest student congress on information technology will be held from September 10-15, 2012 at the University of the Philippines Diliman.

Last year, the VoiceMaster was also included in the lineup of the speakers who not just shared essential learning on information technology but also inspired thousands of students who aspire to be great information technology experts in the country. He gave a talk on the importance of voice acting in information technology and emphasized how though voice acting, a large number of applications are given life. This year, he is expected to give another remarkable talk.

Watch out for more information on the VoiceMaster’s talk for this said happening. Keep posted here or you may also visit

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