The VoiceMaster Inspires TSU students - The Best Filipino Motivational and Inspirational Speaker | The VoiceMaster of The Philippines

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

The VoiceMaster Inspires TSU students

You know that the VoiceMaster is speaking when you see the crowd, no matter how big it is, starts to go crazy. The audience gets wild while they ask for more.

That was what happened when the VoiceMaster gave a talk at the Tarlac State University during the first Regional Business Forum hosted by the said university in partnership with ComGuild, August 3.

There, he was able to inspire hundreds of students from the said institution.

It was just one of the many successful speaking engagements of the VoiceMaster. Watch out and be updated with the latest talks of the country’s one and only VoiceMaster, Mr. Pocholo Gonzales.

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