[1 of 8] Breaking the Ice: The VoiceMaster Welcomed VoiceWorx Batch 50 - The Best Filipino Motivational and Inspirational Speaker | The VoiceMaster of The Philippines

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Monday, October 7, 2019

[1 of 8] Breaking the Ice: The VoiceMaster Welcomed VoiceWorx Batch 50

VoiceWorx Batch 50 formally began last Saturday, October 5, 2019 at CreativSounds Studio. This is the last batch of VoiceWorx that started since 2005. None other than the VoiceMaster himself, Pocholo De Leon Gonzales welcomed the aspiring voice-over artists on that day.

The workshop attendees were anticipating an introduction to voice acting and dubbing on the first day of the 8-session VoiceWorx. But, they got a greater way to kick off this new adventure in their journey as the VoiceMaster delivered an encouraging and motivating pep talk. 

As Mr. Pocholo emphasized, he wants his students to learn first the life skills and have a clear vision of who they are and their goals to achieve. Being an unorthodox and out-of-the-box mentor himself, these life skills catapulted him to the accolades and success he has now.

He also reminded VoiceWorx Batch 50 students to always have a pure heart and be grateful to everyone who helped them along their way. After all, great people know how to look back and give back to the same mentors and community who made them fly towards success. 

In addition, he did an exercise that appears just like a simple icebreaker but little did the workshop attendees know there is something more to it. He told them to answer these questions and talk in front to share their answers.

The questions need an honest self-awareness for everyone. Letting them express those answers in front while holding a microphone is a good way to grow out of their comfort zone. The students become more vulnerable in this exercise. It is as if they felt a great relief for accomplishing something they would hesitate of doing in the first place.

Before parting, he gave the assignment to write down a letter for their future selves, 10 years from now. This is to let them envision their dreams and claim it today. The VoiceMaster congratulated them for participating and doing well. He shared that in the next sessions to come, they are more than ready because they were energized with grit and passion for the first session.

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